What We Do

StartUp – Start a Counseling Ministry in Your Church

Our StartUp partnership walks with you through each stage of starting and running your own counseling ministry.

We believe the church should be the best and safest place to come for those in difficult relationships, personal struggles, and suffering.

Having your own counseling ministry sets you apart as it helps you better care for your people and grow your outreach.

Having a biblical counseling provides an effective bridge that equips you to give hope to the hurting and unchurched from your community.

Next Steps – How to Get StartUp at Your Church

  • Schedule a free introduction call – Call or use our easy online scheduling tool to schedule a time that works best for you.

  • Online or onSite Visit – During our call/visit we want to learn more about your ministry and goals and how we might help.

  • No Obligation Proposal – Based on the outcome of the call and what we learn, we will provide a proposal for moving forward to establish a counseling ministry in your church.

  • Proposal Review – Upon accepted proposal, we will provide you with a multi-year strategic plan with detailed action items. The strategic plan will be tailor made to fit your unique needs, leadership structure and help your leadership stay on point.

  • Regular follow-up & onsite visits – We will schedule regular calls and visits with your church, meet with leadership, and help you stay on schedule.
