What We Do

QUICKStart – For Pastors & Elders

QUICKStart provides pastors and elders with a practical framework and "how to" for shepherding members in need.

Most pastors didn't receive much, if any, seminary training in counseling.

Many pastors entered the pastorate with the idea that they would preach and teach, not counsel.

Both small and large churches have people needing help.

Many pastors don't have adequate time to do all they want to do.

The goal of this course is to provide you with the tools and confidence that in the gospel you have all you need to navigate the troubles of your people and provide them with lasting hope and help.

QUICKStart training will take you through the process of counseling and provide you with a working knowledge and tools you need to provide hope and help to those in your church.

Our training will cover the Key Elements of Counseling; the Process of Counseling and the Context of Counseling.

We will provide you with several helpful resources including Intake & Release forms, Homework suggestions, and even a method for intuitive note taking and organizing data.

This course is a 9 hour course and can be taken individually or in groups and is an abbreviated version of our full length training course.

This course can be delivered live onsite or online.

Cost of program $129.00 - Discounts available for larger groups.

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QUICKStart – For Pastors & Elders
Pastor, we want to help you and/or your staff by providing you with a basic framework to help those in your congregation who are hurting under the weight of sin and suffering.