Desiring to Serve the Local Church


As a pastor or a church leader you are often confronted with the tough choice of how best to care for the hurting members of your congregation.

Perhaps you don't have the bandwidth to properly come alongside everyone who needs help.

At some point you begin to ask, "Are there trusted and experienced counselors that I know who will partner with me in leading them to reconciliation and healing?

Are there counselors who will counsel from the scriptures and not use secular techniques and theories, whose goal in counseling isn't changing behavior but in getting to the root of the issue and seeing real heart change?

Are there counselors who will function as an extension of our local church?

We believe Biblical Counseling belongs and is best accomplished in and under the authority of the local church and have a passion for seeing counseling restored to the local church

Our desire is to come alongside the local church and equip them to counsel and care for those who are hurting and in need of hope and help.

Our Value to Your Church


Christus Biblical Counseling offers the following to your church:

  • A fully functioning counseling ministry under the direction of your leadership

  • ACBC certified biblical counselors who will work alongside your staff members

  • Assistance in the pastoral care of the church (including shepherding, mercy ministry, and church discipline issues)

  • Training and mentoring of staff and lay counselors

  • Teaching and equipping small groups, leaders, and the church staff with biblical counseling resources

  • Regular meetings with pastoral staff

We counsel with and under the authority of your church and follow your leadership in proclaiming the gospel for both salvation and sanctification.

Helping Us to Help You


Inviting Christus Biblical Counseling into your church demonstrates your love and care for your people and your desire to see counseling restored to the local church.

Establishing a partnership with Christus Biblical Counseling is as simple as signing a simple, single, page agreement which includes:

  • A reasonable amount of monthly support to Christus

  • Access to meeting space for counseling sessions

  • A commitment to promote the counseling ministry through your church’s regular communication channels

  • To assist some church members with counseling through the benevolence funds of the church

Counselors at Christus seek to walk alongside you in the care and shepherding of your people through biblical counseling that leads people to heart change and Christ likeness.

“Our desire is not to replace the local church but rather to serve her by restoring counseling to the local church, which is our conviction and commitment.”