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Assisting the local church by providing Christ centered hope & help to those who are hurting.


Biblical Truth | Life Change

Marriage & Family

Marriage & Family

It has been said that marriage is the most difficult relationship on the face of the planet. Most marriages need help at some point. We are here to listen and provide lasting hope and help for you and your marriage. We have seen many hopeless marriages transformed.

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Parenting can be difficult. Many parents are discouraged, frustrated and exhausted. It’s not like there is a school where you go to learn how to parent well. Why are some children easy and others difficult? The good news is that God has not left you alone to parent. There is real hope, help and answers to parenting.

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Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, PTSD, and social anxiety can be a minor inconveniences or completely debilitating. It can feel like you’re drowning and all alone. There is both hope and help found in God’s Word, the Bible. We have helped many individuals get to the root of their suffering and experience lasting change.

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Addiction can come in many forms - prescription pain medication, alcohol, gambling, pornography, food, electronic devices - just to name a few. As much as we want to believe, “I got this”, we just can’t seem to experience any lasting victory. Many people find themselves in that hopeless cycle of sickness, recovery, and relapse. The good news is that there is an escape from addiction. God’s Word, the Bible provides the key to that escaping addiction and finding lasting change.

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Hopeless, numb, sad, despair, brokenhearted and abandoned are all words that describe the feelings of depression. Some days it seems like the darkness will never lift. Other days it’s hard to just get out of bed. You’re not alone. There is hope that the darkness will lift. The Bible has many examples of individuals who suffered with depression and the hope and help they found.

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Grief / Loss

Grief / Loss

We live in a broken world where things are not as they should be. The grief you’re experiencing may be harder than you ever imagined. You may be wondering if the intensity and duration of your emotions are normal and appropriate. Despite how you may feel, there is reason for hope. The Bible has much to say that will inform and instruct our deepest suffering.

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Christ centered,
church-based counseling
& counseling training

All of us experience problems, troubles and questions at different times in our life. Some of them come from our own choices and some come from others' choices - often they are a combination of both. If you desire to find real solutions to your problems, we are here to help you.


Are you ready to discover…

Lasting Hope, Help
& Real Change

We live in a broken world marked by sin, suffering, sorrow and shattered relationships. Christus Biblical Counseling exists to provide Christ centered hope and help to those who are hurting by using God's Word to inform and instruct their situation, bringing about transformed lives and relationships resulting in lasting change and joy.

Christ Centered Hope, Help & Transformed Life